Business Case Studies, HRM / OB Case Study, Rational, Intuitive Decision Making, Nemesis

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HRM / OB Case Study

Case Title:

Rational vs Intuitive Decision Making: Dilemma at Nemesis

Publication Month and Year :  June 2009

Authors:  M. V. Vivek & Vara Vasanthi

Industry:  Not Applicable

Region: India

Case Code:  OB0025

Teaching Note:  Available

Structured Assignment:  Not Available


This case study tries to analyse the decision-making process from different angles. It deals with the rational and intuitive styles of decision-making.

After taking charge as the Vice President (VP) of Indian division of Nemesis Telecommunications, a multinational telecommunication company, in March 2009, Kenny Anderson (Kenny) was asked by, the president, Srujan Banerjee to conduct a workshop on decision-making for the regional heads of the company. The company gave enough freedom to the regional heads to make decisions in their region. Two of the regional heads, Rahul Saxena (Rahul) and Ignatius Sam (Ignatius), had very good track records because of their decision-making ability. Both used contrasting decision-making styles – Rahul used rational and Ignatius used intuitive decision-making style. Banerjee, however, believed in a more holistic approach to decision-making and he wanted Kenny to propagate the same in the workshop. The case study presents two dilemmas – Is there one particular decision-making style which can be applied to any situation or industry? What are the pros and cons of using only rational or intuitive decision-making style?

Pedagogical Objectives:

  • To understand decision-making process
  • To analyse the pros and cons of intuitive and rational decision-making styles
  • To analyse whether any corelation exists between nature of industry and/or nature of business and decision-making style.

Keywords :  Decision, Decisions, Decision Making, Linkage between Perception and Individual Decision Making, Rational Decision Making, Intuitive Decision Making, Rational Vs Intuitive Decision Making Styles, Decision Making Styles, Decision Making Approaches, Organizational Behavior, OB, Organizational Behavior case study, Motivation Case Study, MBA, MBA Program, Course Mapping


  • Decision-making Workshop at Nemesis
  • Rahul and Ignatius: The Decision Makers
  • Which Style fits?

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