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Executive Interviews: Interview with Harish Bijoor on Management Guru
October 2010 - By Dr. Nagendra V Chowdary

Harish Bijoor
Harish Bijoor

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  • 'The Thinkers 50' list, produced by Suntop Media in association with Skillsoft, is supposed to be a definitive guide to who is the most influential living management thinker. And this list changes every year. What do the changing names mean for the world of business - that the old thinkers' ideas have become irrelevant or that a new breed of management thinkers have emerged?
    'The Thinkers 50' list is a definitive list of thought leaders who have made a difference and are making difference to the world of management at large. What it leaves out in many ways is the potential of the new guy on the block, who is just about

    emerging as a thought leader with ideas of his own that are unique and hold plenty of potential to unlock the benefit of businesses at large. This would however get corrected as the years go by, and the ability of these new thinkers is actually tested and proven in the markets. Cream always has a tendency to rise to the top and float. Thought leadership cream is no different. Takes time. But happens.

    New names on the list simply means that these new thinkers are getting the recognition they deserve on the list. It by no ways demeans those nudged down or out of the list totally. Neither does it pass a value-judgement on the merit of old thinkers and their ideas. In reality, every thinker has his or her own stature. And every management thought works in a context. The context is of time and the status of the development of the world economy at the time when this thinker reigned with his/her ideas.

  • Who according to you is a management guru? What specific qualities and contributions set them apart from the rest of management fraternity? Where do you stand on this?
    A management guru is firstly a thinker on his own merit. Someone who has the uncanny ability to be a reader of the economy at large, the environmental context in which managements operate, and ofcourse a keen trend-spotter who has the ability to look into a wee crystal ball of his own and take the risk to make a prognosis in a world that defies every prognosis thrown at it.

    In many ways a Management Guru is a brave person. A person who has the ability to stand up and paint for the world a scenario that will pan out. A person with the ability to define a set of core ideas that will help managements face this scenario ahead. A management guru in many ways is a scenario painter, and not necessarily a forecaster who operates on 2 x 2 matrices to arrive at a formula to face the future.

    A Management Guru is also not a documenter. Instead, he/she is all about the power of ideas to explore and open up the future, instead of documenting the past. A Management Guru in my manner of speaking is a dominant verb and not a noun. Maybe 10% adjective and 90% verb. Now, if you need to understand this definition of mine, you need to know your Grammar and Wren & Martin right!

    In terms of specific qualities, the Management Guru is a thinker, a dreamer, and a challenger of the status quo. What sets them apart is their ability to battle out the odds and arrive at solutions for a bright management today and tomorrow.

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