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Case Studies on Outsourcing Trends - Vol. I
Edited by : Girija P.
ISBN : 81-314-0610-5
Price: $35 ( INR)
280 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
As companies attempt to focus on their core competencies, many are considering outsourcing various aspects of their in-house operations. The driving force behind this decision is typically cost reduction and organisational restructuring. Companies who have ventured into outsourcing have had both positive and negative experiences. Though the BPO industry has been growing at a frenzy pace, it encountered several challenges that threatens its growth and global competitiveness. The rising employee attrition rates, the CTC per employee shooting up and inefficiencies in the outsourcing processes have all raised concerns over the feasibility of outsourcing. However, the outcome often depends on how the original contract is structured, how the customer-vendor relationship is managed and how the end-results are measured. So, outsourcing can still be a win-win situation for both the customer and the outsourcer.
This book Case Studies on Outsourcing Trends - Vol. I describes the trends in the outsourcing industry and strategic objectives lying behind these trends. The cases in the latter part of the book highlight the Indian outsourcing scenario, and the challenges faced by the BPO firms in India. It further debates whether off shoring of services balances the global economy; or does it – with the rising complexity of the business environment due to intensified competition – robs thousands of jobs. Overall, the cases in the book are organised in a reader-friendly sequential way to explore various aspects of how to establish a winning approach to outsourcing.
Cases featured in this book Books to Outsourcing Services
American BPO backlash: The Highs and Lows
Comparative Cost Advantage and the American Outsourcing Backlash
Employee Retention in Indian BPO Industry: The New Initiatives
Entertainment & Media Outsourcing in India
Genpact, GE's Outsourcing Arm: Global Expansion Strategies
India as an Outsourcing Destination: Competitive Advantages and Core Competencies
India Vs Argentina as Global Outsourcing Destinations
Indian BPO Industry: A Changing Landscape
Indian BPOs: The Reverse Migration
Indian Call Centers (A): Rising Employee Attrition
Indian Call Centers (B): Addressing Employee Attrition
MphasiS BFL: The Indian IT Services Company Growing Through BPO
Outsourcing Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges
Outsourcing trends in the Global Automobile Industry
Public Private Partnership in Rajasthan's Health Sector: Outsourcing Diagnostic Services
Taxing BPO – A Quandary
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