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Case Studies on Fashion Retailing
Edited by : Priyanka Ramgopal
ISBN : 978-81-314-2044-7
Price: $25 ( INR)
216 pages( Hardcover edition )
Snapshot of the casebook
Fashion has seen many seasons from Gucci and Armani to Gap and H&M. It's no longer elite who can be fashionable. With the emergence of fashion retailing, fashion is mass-marketed through various designers. Retailers are all into low-cost fashion now. And the industry has visibly grown over the years. Value chain dynamics have morphed over the years to suit changing customer needs. Hence, retailers focus on the supply chain management to eat into each other's market share.
Case studies in this book explore a seminal change in the industry. Aspects of value chain, including manufacturing and retailing, business models and other strategies of fashion houses are extensively discussed. It covers themes and issues like globalisation, fast fashion, competitive forces, luxury fashion, offshoring, sourcing, supply chain management, logistics and strategy. Ideal for fashion retailing and fashion management programmes, this book will also be invaluable for courses on fashion, textiles, apparel and retailing management.
Cases featured in this book
China's Luxury Retailing Industry: Saks Inc.'s Market Entry Strategies
Elite Model Management (NY): From Beauty to Bankruptcy
Estée Lauder: The Family-Owned Cosmetic Manufacturer's Growth Strategies
European Apparel Chains in US: Growing Fast and Profitable
GIORGIO ARMANI’S Growth Strategies
Gucci: Robert Polet’s Repositioning Strategies
H&M: The Swedish Fashion Discounter in USA
Inditex: The Spanish Retailer’s Growth Strategies
L’Oreal’s Business Strategy
Louis Vuitton: The Making of a Star Brand
The Changing Style: Versace's Veracity?
Uniqlo Retail Stores in Japan- Turning Challenges into Opportunities
VF Corp.: The World's Largest Apparel Maker's Retail Expansion Strategies
Zara: The Spanish Fashion Chain’s Global Expansion: Is it Moving Too Fast?
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